
人力资源办公室负责员工福利, 工作文件, 以及员工政策. 



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为什么在St工作. 竞技宝app下载安装?

Great Benefits, Thriving Community, Diverse Workforce

Be a part of a thriving University campus in 达文波特, 爱荷华州, 如果超过3个,200 students earn their bachelor's, 硕士, 或者博士学位.

一个特别的工作场所, offering an excellent comprehensive benefits pack年龄, including a competitive health insurance plan, 与退休相匹配的比例高达7%, 人寿保险, 学费减免, 健康激励计划, 宽裕的带薪休假, 和更多的. 该大学的 核心价值观 包括普遍性、完整性、文科、竞技宝app下载和多样性. St. 竞技宝app下载安装是高等教育招聘联盟(HERC)的成员。, 提供多元化的员工队伍.

Located along the banks of the Mississippi River, 达文波特是一个充满活力和进步的竞技宝app下载,拥有100多名学生,000居民. 它是大都会四城的区域中心. 380,它由另外三个城市组成:莫林和东莫林, 伊利诺伊州和贝滕多夫, 爱荷华州的第三大城市(被命名为 #1 most livable state in 2018 by U.S. 新闻与世界报道).

达文波特 offers some of the nation's best schools, 友好的邻居, highest quality public 服务, and a distinguished reputation for the arts, entertainment and especially music. 达文波特, "Where the Mississippi Celebrates,是一个适合居住的好地方, 工作, 玩, 养家糊口.



提供有关大学就业政策的一般指导, 工作规则, 员工福利.

通用手册 – for Faculty and Staff (pdf)

员工手册 (pdf)

人力资源 on MySAU Portal


Wellmark公司代表St . healthcare创建并发布机器可读的文件. 竞技宝app下载安装's self-funded health plan.
To view to the files, please click on the link below.


Statement of Nondiscrimination

大学致力于提供一个没有歧视的工作和教育环境. 该大学遵守所有适用的联邦和州民权法律,禁止在私立高等教育机构中存在歧视.

大学根据其政策管理其教育项目,所有录取标准, 服务, 项目, 住房的决定, 雇佣决定是在不歧视任何员工的基础上确定和维持的(这里使用的“员工”包括所有教员), 行政, 和员工), 就业申请人, student or applicant for admission on the basis of race, color, 信条, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 宗教, 军人或退伍军人身份, 国家的起源, physical or mental disability, 怀孕, 年龄, or any other protected category under applicable local, 州或联邦法律. 如大学的运作合理需要真正的职业资格,则大学保留根据宗教施加资格的权利.

Any person having inquiries concerning the St. 竞技宝app下载安装申请1964年民权法案第七章, Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments*, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 修订的, and all other applicable federal, state and local laws should contact one of the following:

Director of University Compliance


1)学生问题. Report to Christopher Waugh, 教务长, St. 竞技宝app下载安装,518w. 蝗虫圣., 达文波特,爱荷华州52803, 563-333-6259.
2) University Faculty and Staff Issues. Report to 奥黛丽布莱尔主任 of 人力资源, St. 竞技宝app下载安装,518w. 蝗虫圣., 达文波特,爱荷华州52803, 563-333-6191.
3)运动问题. Report to Mike Holmes主任 of 体育运动, St. 竞技宝app下载安装,518w. 蝗虫圣., 达文波特,爱荷华州52803, 563-333-6233.
4) ADA/504/Student Disability Issues. 报告给Ryan Saddler,无障碍资源中心主任,St. 竞技宝app下载安装,518w. 蝗虫圣., 达文波特,爱荷华州52803, 563-333-6275.

除了, Inquiries may be made externally to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) U.S. 教育部
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Tdd #: (877) 521-2172
http://www.ed.政府 / ocr

Equal 就业 Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
联系人:http://www.平等就业机会委员会.政府 /联系

*Title IX prohibits 性 discrimination, including 性ual harassment and 性ual violence, in all education 项目 and activities. For more information please visit www.分.edu/compliance.

Report an incident of Bias and/or Hate


Policy on an Alcohol and 无毒的工作场所

这项政策的目的是努力防止大学竞技宝app下载的药物滥用. The use of illicit drugs is prohibited by this policy. All employees are required to obey all state, 关于禁止非法药物的联邦和地方法律法规以及关于在校园内饮酒的规定, 有关大学物业, or as part of any University sponsored events. 就本政策而言,大学赞助的活动是指由大学直接组织和/或赞助的活动.... 违反国家规定的员工, federal or local drug or alcohol laws are subject to criminal prosecution; and employees who violate University policies are subject to institutional sanctions up to and including termination of employment. 除了, 不当使用或滥用处方药或酒精会严重损害员工的健康, 妨碍其履行职责,危及其他员工的安全和福祉, students and members of the general public.

大学员工必须完全遵守爱荷华州的所有法律, 包括有关在大学财产内持有和消费酒精以及作为大学赞助活动的一部分的规定.

The following are specific provisions: no one may dispense or give alcohol to a person under the 年龄 of 21 or to anyone visibly intoxicated; no one may permit the possession or consumption of alcohol by a person under the 年龄 of 21 or by anyone visibly intoxicated; and no one under the 年龄 of 18 may dispense alcoholic bever年龄s.

21岁以上的员工可以在大学财产的某些官方活动或大学赞助活动的一部分饮用酒精饮料(符合爱荷华州法律), only where authorized by University officials.


禁止在校园或任何与大学有关的场所使用违禁药品. 这意味着所有员工绝对禁止非法生产, 分发, possessing or using controlled substances in the 工作place, 有关大学物业, or at a University sponsored event.

以下是大学政策和适用法律禁止使用的受控物质的部分说明性清单:海洛因, 吗啡, 大麻(大麻, 大麻), 兴奋剂(可卡因, 安非他命), 抑制剂(镇静剂), 迷幻剂(卡式肺囊虫肺炎, 迷幻药, “设计师药物”).

任何在工作场所被判违反毒品刑事法规的员工必须在定罪发生后五天内通知大学(包括认罪或无抗辩). 如不通知学校,将受到严厉的纪律处分, up to and including termination for the first offense.

适用于在工作场所违反毒品或酒精刑事法规的员工, the University reserves the right, 在其判断范围内, 提供参与经批准的康复或药物滥用援助计划,作为纪律处分的替代方案, 雇员必须满意地参与工作,作为继续受雇的条件. 然而, 大学的立场是,这些资源最好在工作场所出现问题之前自愿使用. 如果员工没有得到这样的帮助,而这样的问题确实发生了, 为了保护所有员工的利益,大学别无选择,只能对这些滥用职权的人采取严厉行动.

违反酒精或药物政策将导致适当的纪律处分,直至并包括终止雇用. 如果使用或滥用药物和/或酒精可能对大学竞技宝app下载成员造成混乱或危险, 其他人, 或者校园财产, appropriate action will be taken. 执法和纪律应是一致的,并应根据既定的大学政策和程序适用适当的程序.

当大学发现不合格的工作或不可接受的工作表现可能归因于滥用药物, it may offer evaluation and subsequent treatment, 并要求完成并证明完成治疗作为继续就业的条件. 员工有责任配合自己的治疗. 如果个人未能达到可接受的工作表现标准,可能会受到纪律处分,直至终止雇佣关系, 或继续违反大学的药物或酒精政策.

将根据工作人员离职和休养政策,为工作人员提供休养和医疗及咨询服务的假期, 适用法律. Strict confidentiality will be maintained, to the fullest extent possible, in all matters related to referral and treatment.

大学鼓励有药物滥用问题的员工通过员工援助计划(EAP)寻求帮助。. EAP是学校提供的一项保密的短期咨询服务,是福利计划的一部分. 这项咨询服务针对包括药物滥用在内的各种问题. For more information contact the 人力资源 office.

我们要求所有员工确认他们已被告知上述政策,并同意在各方面遵守该政策. 根据法律,这种承认和同意是继续雇佣的条件.


To apply for any of these positions, 请将您的求职信(包括已注册的研究生课程)发送至email, 重新开始, and list of 3 professional references to humanresources@分.edu.


研究生招生: 1 (one) 研究生 Assistant


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. Previous experience in admissions preferred; other related experience will be considered.
  4. Exceptional phone skills required for outbound calling.
  5. 较强的公共关系、沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  6. Ability to 工作 in a team-oriented atmosphere.
  7. 全面的计算机技能, 特别是在Windows设置和微软Office套件(Word)中, Excel, 演示文稿, 等.) Ellucian (DATATEL) knowledge is a plus.
  8. Flexible schedule-day and evening hours
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: 1 (one) 研究生 Assistant


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 较强的公共关系、沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  4. 能够在个人和团队的氛围中工作.
  5. Some weekend and holiday hours may be required.
  6. Previous experience in 工作ing with diversity related content and/or diverse individuals preferred; other related experience will be considered.

环境可持续性: 1 (one) 研究生 Assistant


  1. 设计书面内容, im年龄s and video for social media, email, 时事通讯, presentations and print materials.
  2. 识别和追求竞技宝app下载参与的机会和活动(非政府组织), 学校, Youth Organizations such as the Girl Scouts)
  3. 协助起草基础设施和教育(充电)的外部拨款提案, 能源效率, 水减少, 国家认证, 等.)
  4. Coordinate campus garden planning and maintenance, as well as campus-wide recycling, 堆肥, and single-use plastic initiatives.
  5. 如有需要,为可持续发展委员会联席主席提供行政支持.


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 能够每周工作10小时,3小时以上的工作时间优先.
  4. 较强的沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  5. Ability to 工作 in a team-oriented atmosphere.
  6. 对环境可持续性主题有兴趣和知识.
  7. 较强的计算机技能, 特别是在Windows设置和微软Office套件(Word)中, Excel). Experience utilizing Canva and video platforms preferred.

金融援助: 2 (two) 研究生 Assistants


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. Previous experience in 工作ing with individuals; other related experience will be considered.
  4. 较强的沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  5. Ability to 工作 in a team-oriented atmosphere.
  6. 较强的计算机技能, 特别是在Windows设置和微软Office套件(Word)中, Excel, 演示文稿, 等.)
  7. Scheduled day hours, minimum of 15 hours a week.

体育运动- Women's Cheer: 1 (one) 研究生 Assistant


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 有啦啦队教练或教学经验者优先,有比赛啦啦队经验者优先.
  4. 协助总教练进行全国竞争性校际项目的日常运作, 团队旅游, 夏令营, 公共关系, 电影评论, study halls and other 行政 duties as assigned. Involves 团队旅游 and some overnight and weekend trips.
  5. 较强的公共关系、沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  6. 具有团队合作精神,具有较强的管理能力.
  7. 较强的计算机技能, 特别是在Windows设置和微软Office套件(Word)中, Excel)


长曲棍球研究生助理负责协助项目的各个方面, including but not limited to recruiting, 调度, 培训, 监控学业进展, 促销活动, 筹款, 指导团队成员. 研究生助理必须遵守学校制定的规章制度. 竞技宝app下载安装, the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference (KCAC), 以及全国校际体育协会(NAIA), 其中St。. 竞技宝app下载安装是其中一员.

候选人应该在游戏的防守方面有很强的背景. 必须有防守或进攻方面的教练经验.


  1. 协助项目的各个方面的指导和管理
  2. 根据NAIA, KCAC和St. Ambrose policies and procedures
  3. Train and coach members of the program
  4. 支持所有运动员的学业和个人发展
  5. Assist in developing camps and clinics
  6. 负责遵守国际航空协会的规章制度
  7. 代表圣. Ambrose and the program in a professional manner


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 代表圣. Ambrose and the program in a professional manner
  4. High level of personal integrity and outstanding 工作 ethic
  5. Knowledge of NAIA rules and regulations
  6. Knowledge of lacrosse specific skills and technique
  7. Experience recruiting scholarship athletes highly desirable
  8. Outstanding skills in oral and written communication
  9. Good organizational ability and computer competency



  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 有足球教练经验者优先,有大学足球经验者优先.
  4. 协助总教练进行全国竞争性校际项目的日常运作, 团队旅游, 夏令营, 公共关系, 电影评论, study halls and other 行政 duties as assigned. Involves 团队旅游 and some overnight and weekend trips.
  5. 较强的公共关系、沟通、时间管理和组织能力.
  6. 具有团队合作精神,具有较强的管理能力.
  7. 较强的计算机技能, 特别是在Windows设置和微软Office套件(Word)中, Excel)

田径——垒球: 1 (one) 研究生 Assistant


  1. Earned Bachelor’s degree (prior to starting date).
  2. Currently enrolled SAU graduate students: Proof of SAU Registration required.
    Prospective SAU graduate students: 正式申请南澳大学秋季研究生课程,最终被研究生课程录取.
  3. 有垒球教练经验者优先,有大学垒球经验者优先.
  4. 理想的候选人将能够教练投球在大学水平,虽然这不是必需的.
  5. 协助总教练进行全国竞争性校际项目的日常运作, 团队旅游, 夏令营, 公共关系, 电影评论, study halls and other 行政 duties as assigned. Involves 团队旅游 and some overnight and weekend trips.
  6. 较强的公共关系、沟通、时间管理和组织能力.


518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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